Ergonomics, a tool for well-being at work

Workplace wellness is a unifying concept that goes beyond workplace health. This well-being incorporates satisfaction and a sense of accomplishment. Today, office workers are increasingly sedentary and use their computers for extended periods of time. As a result, the static position of our employees can lead to m

Here are some simple ergonomic tips to reduce fatigue, reduce injury and improve productivity :

1. The chair

To feel comfortable and work in good conditions, you need an adjustable chair. As a result, no matter your height, you will be able to adjust your chair properly and this will reduce the risk of muscle pain and fatigue. 

In addition, the back of the chair must be tilted between 90 and 120 degrees, this will guarantee a good posture and will avoid lumbar pain.  

Your elbows should be at the same level as the keyboard height. As well as knees that must be at 90 degrees, to guarantee you a good posture and keep your feet on the ground. 

Your keyboard and mouse must always be at the same level. They should extend the shoulder and be handled with your forearm on your work surface.

2. The screen positioning 

Your computer screen must be facing you. Your eyes must form a straight line with the top third of the screen. You need to be one arm away from the screen to avoid tiring your eyes.

The screen wears out the eyes so to prevent this visual fatigue it is necessary to avoid glossy work surfaces, prefer surfaces with a matte finish. Regularly you have to look away ; five meters or more to rest your eye muscles. Promote a positive display that means having a light wallpaper with dark characters. 

3. The workstation positioning

Never position your workstation back or facing a light source to avoid glare and glint. Gleams may require more concentration and may strain your eyes. When you set up at your workstation, make sure you have as much room under your desk as possible so as not to interfere with your movements. 

4. The work surface 

Each work plan will be different depending on the tasks you will be required to achieve. The more tasks you have to do, the larger your work plan must be to organize your work and not feel oppressed.

5. The micro-breaks

It’s important to take micro-breaks, rest your eyes or stretch. 

So, to remain efficient and productive at work, we need to increase short breaks

  • 5 minutes for each hour in case of intensive work
  • 15 minutes every two hours 

6. Working postures: sitting standing

If you sit down, you’re spending less energy, but it’s putting more pressure on your back.  While a standing posture is a posture that is favorable for frequent movements. But being too upright can cause leg aches. So the most advantageous solution is to alternate between sitting and standing.

7. Température 

Ergonomics is not only about logistics around the workplace, but also about the thermal environment. 

For a workstation, a temperature of approximately 21 degrees Celsius is recommended. This doesn’t really fit current government’s recommendations regarding energy savings.

These simple and common sense tips to improve comfort at work will never replace the benefits of regular physical activity, such as walking.

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