Protect your company from cybercrime in a business center.

According to a survey conducted by Check Point Research (CPR), 92% of attacks in Luxembourg are carried out by e-mail. The greatest vulnerability is denial of service, which affects 55% of organisations. This is a type of attack designed to render a system, network, or service inaccessible. Luxembourg is the only Benelux country to show a downward trend in the number of cyber-attacks.

“The reason for the decline in Luxembourg is twofold. On the one hand, the data available for the Luxembourg market is slightly lower than that for other countries. On the other hand, this could be an indication of how Luxembourg companies and organisations are coping with cyber threats by investing more in their cyber security strategies. Despite the increase in cyber-attacks in Belgium and the Netherlands, the Benelux countries are not generally among the countries where the number of cyber-attacks has increased the most. This can be explained by the fact that the Benelux countries are adopting new cyber security technologies more quickly, making them more complex and less attractive to hackers. This is not to say that hackers are ignoring the Benelux countries, and by extension Europe, in large-scale campaigns – on the contrary. Prevention and detection remain essential here too,” explains Zahier Madhar, Security Engineer & Check Point Evangelist at Check Point in Luxembourg.

Any company can be affected by online fraud !

While online attacks against large companies make the headlines, you’d think that small businesses could go unnoticed. However, because of their weak defences, organisations are prime targets for cybercriminals looking to hack into their systems for a quick profit, steal valuable personal data or gain access to the systems of large partner organisations. A study by Mastercard found that businesses under five years old (a category dominated by small businesses) are more likely to suffer security breaches than other businesses. Attacks can have a devastating impact on small and medium-sized businesses and have a variety of impacts, including:

  • Downtime
  • Financial loss
  • Reputational damage
  • Legal and regulatory repercussions
  • Impact on relationships with suppliers and partners
  • Security and technology costs
  • Staff stress

In addition, customer confidence can be severely undermined. According to Mastercard’s research, over 80% of consumers say they do not want to buy from a company that they do not trust to protect their data.

How do companies suffer from data breaches ?

Companies can fall victim to various incidents such as data loss and system security breaches. Cybercriminals aim to gain access to a company’s systems and all the sensitive information they contain by frequently sending phishing emails in the hope that employees will click on them

How do you spot a fraudulent message ?

Fraudsters use a range of platforms to try and fool their targets, including emails, text messages, phone calls and QR codes. Fraudulent messages are becoming increasingly sophisticated and difficult to spot. However, you can often spot one or more of the following clues:

As a business center, we work to protect our customers !

Information security is a top priority for NCI Business Center, both in terms of controls and incident response. We have paid particular attention to the protection of customer information and the systems used to protect and store this data.

NCI Business Center also trains its staff to ensure that they fully understand their responsibilities. They administer the information that our customers entrust to us.

We also work hard to understand the threats that exist and how they continue to evolve. To ensure complete security, our business centre works with cybersecurity companies that provide round-the-clock coverage for monitoring, response and detection of potential breaches.

Post written by Perside Tchounga Sande January 23rd 2024.

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